Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Momail and Jajah cooperate on innovative calling option

As Momail's patented technology optimizes data in your mobile emails to minimize the data costs, it was an obvious choice to partner with Jajah for inexpensive international calling via VoIP. Not only does this partnership provide a great service for our customers, but it also proves the flexibility of the Momail messaging platform. To activate Jajah on Momail:

1. As a Momail user, go to Momail "On Demand" in your Momail account

2. Register your Jajah account with Momail (or sign up for Jajah if you are not already a customer)

3. To call, simply send a mail to Jajah (or with the phone number of your contact from your handset.

4. In seconds, you will receive a call from Jajah connecting your call

5. Take advantage of the cost savings and talk for as long as you'd like!

Momail will be bringing more creative solutions to market soon - so keep checking back for the latest updates...

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