Friday, January 9, 2009

Wireless Email study from Radicati Group

A new study by The Radicati Group forecasts that the worldwide Wireless Email installed base is growing at an annual rate of 93%.

Palo Alto, CA – September 15, 2008 – The latest study by The Radicati Group, Inc., “Wireless Email Market, 2008-2012,” offers an in-depth analysis of the worldwide market for Wireless Email and includes market size, market share and revenue by vendor, four-year forecasts, and breakouts by region, business size and industry.

The study focuses on three segments of the Wireless Email Market: Wireless Email Solutions, Wireless OS Platforms and Wireless Email Devices. The study also takes a look at the ISP/Webmail Wireless Email market.

Today, only 2% of worldwide active email mailboxes are accessed with a wireless email solution. Explosive growth is expected and it is projected that 22% of active mailboxes will be accessed with a wireless email solution by year-end 2012.

Fierce competition between vendors and device manufacturers will continue to drive prices down and make wireless email solutions and devices a more affordable and logical choice for employees that need to stay connected and work while away from the office.

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