Friday, February 27, 2009

Momail nominated for German Innovation Award

It's been a great start to 2009 for Momail, and things continue to look up! The company has just been nominated in the Mobile Category of the Innovationspreis-IT 2009, to be awarded 5 March at CeBIT.

The Innovationspreis-IT falls under the umbrella of the German Ministry for Business and Technology (Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie), which seeks products, services and solutions in the area of Information Technology which are especially innovative and useful for the middle class.

Needless to say, we're quite proud of this recognition! The Jury clearly understands the value Momail's unique mobile email platform provides for its customers, with its ease of use and data optimization. These features enable the service to work on almost any consumer handset and minimize mobile data costs - points of increasing importance during these days of economic uncertainty.

1 comment:

Honour said...

The list of nominees may be found here: